A very beautiful telepathic conversation
… which could almost be a remake of the beautiful green one 🙂 I let you discover xxx A short... [more]
I have a dream. I dream that..
I dream that the priceless beauty of one’s uniqueness is revealed to everyone. I dream that everyone dares now to... [more]
So we’re stopped in midair. In the middle of a fall?
Suspended each in his bubble, questioning tomorrow. Idealism is no longer in order, so many bloody examples have inoculated us... [more]
We are in peace. March 2020
By Pascal Lenormand, energy designer, entrepreneur and author Mr. President, I write these words in the early morning after a... [more]
The day men learned that the most powerful shield was Love
In the basement of a research center for quantum medicine, doctors observe a Tibetan monk in a meditation posture. Alone... [more]
About abuse and about peace
I would like to share my experience. My bell ringing. Probably different. And I’d like to hear yours. Without comparison.... [more]